Saturday, June 28, 2008

GoodLuckChuck to GoodLuckObz?

Ok so I've been noticing lately that every girl i like
or every girl that likes me

ends up not getting with me [due to the fact that idk what I want yet lol]
and then finds their "soul mates"

and I'm NOT kidding,like seriously
every girl right now that I've liked or has confessed they like me
is in a serious relationship and is in love -__-

But chuck got to marry Jessica Alba sooo
maybe I'll marry Cassie ^__^
or some cool rocker chick with tats and is a nympho

Haha why not?

Life so far.

Freaking blows.
Its so boringggg and theres nothing to do

Its like my life is on a limit
Maybe im just to scared to live yet?

Blah -__- idk.